
Grape Seed Extract, Garlic Extract, Fiber : Best Nutraceutical Supplements To Control Diabetes

Grape Seed Extract, Garlic Extract, Fiber : Best Nutraceutical Supplements To Control Diabetes

In this blog, we are going to discuss the Best Nutraceutical Supplements to Control Diabetes in Natural Way such are grape seed extract, garlic extract, and Fiber supplements (Inulin, Acacia, Psyllium Husk). So, those having a diabetic problem are advised to follow this natural remedy as these remedies will help you to maintain the blood sugar level and make you healthy.

In India, most people have diabetes problems and day by day it is increasing. Diabetes is a condition in which people have high blood sugar levels. There are mainly 3 types of diabetes includes type 1 diabetes (the body does not produce insulin), type 2 diabetes (the body produces insulin but it is not used effectively), and gestational diabetes (it happens to pregnancy women). The good news for diabetic patients is that they can control their blood sugar levels by making changes in their diet or lifestyle. So have a look at the natural remedies given below which help you to control your blood sugar level.

Symptoms Of Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms include:

  • Feeling thirsty or dry mouth
  • Numerous urination
  • Tiredness
  • Itchy skin
  • Blurred vision
  • Injury that don’t heal

Risk Factors For Diabetes Patients and who get this problem?

  • Family History
  • Low HDL Cholesterol
  • Injury
  • Physical Stress
  • Overweight / Obesity
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure

Diabetes impact on Health

  • Problem in Teeth
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Chest Pain
  • Skin Infections
  • Foot Problems
  • hearing loss
  • kidney fail
  • Risk of heart attack
  • Damage the kidney, nerves, eyes and heart
  • High cholesterol
  • Depression
  • Many more

Herbs and supplements help diabetic people but before using them something to keep in mind. A person must consult a professional before taking any new herb or supplement. They suggest starting with a low dosage and then noticing their effects and after that increasing the dosage.

Grape Seed Extract: Best Nutraceutical Supplements To Control Diabetes In Natural Way

For the last many years, In Europe along with leaves and sap have had traditional treatments. The grape seed extract is made after the processing of seeds of red wine grapes. Now, grape seed extract is used for the treatment of several diseases.

Why Do People Take Grape Seed Extract?

The grape seed extract is useful for various cardiovascular conditions. This natural remedy helps with poor circulation and high cholesterol. It also helps to reduce swelling by injury and aids with eye disease regarding diabetes. Grape seed extract consists of antioxidants therefore people are interested in this remedy. In grape seed extract substances look after the cells from damage and also help to prevent disease. Researchers also study that grape seed extract may lower the cancer risk. Presently, the evidence is not properly clear.

How Much Grape Seed Extract Take?

There is no particular dose for grape seed extract. As per the studies and in some European countries doses are between 100-300 mg per day. It is the normal dosage of grape seed extract so you have to consult the expert and then consume it as per your health condition.

Can We Get Grape Seed Extract Naturally From Food?

Get grape seed extract to obtain from grapes and there are no other food sources for grape seed extract. The grape seed extract is available in tablet, capsule, and in liquid form.

Before buying the supplement, the National institute of health recommends that look for supplement facts on the product label. This label tells you the active ingredient amount contained in the serving and other information regarding other ingredients.

Grape Seed Extract Benefits

  • Reduce the blood pressure
  • Reduce oxidant damage
  • Enhance the blood flow
  • Enhance collagen level and bone strength
  • Support the brain as it ages
  • Enhance the kidney function
  • Inhibit infectious growth
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Protect the liver

The Grape Seed Extract is Useful For:

  • Lower the blood lipid level
  • Enhance the insulin sensitivity
  • Reduce the weight of the body
  • Reduce the blood pressure

As per the study, some people suggest that grape seed extract gives benefits to people having diabetes. Grape seed extract lowers the blood sugar level.

Grape Seed Extract Capsules: Buy Now

Possibility of Side Effects

Taking grape seed extract is not bad at all but sometimes it gives adverse effects like headache, dizziness, nausea, and dry or itchy scalp.

The grape seed extract is one of the best Nutraceutical Supplements to Control Diabetes in a Natural Way. Grape seed extract i.e. GSE is a dietary supplement that is made by removing and drying the grape's bitter seeds' taste. The grape seed extract is the best source of proanthocyanidins. As I give above, with the help of antioxidant properties, Grape seed extract helps to prevent the disease and protect against the damage of tissue, stress, and inflammation.



Garlic Extract: Best Nutraceutical Supplements To Control Diabetes In Natural Way

People having diabetes problems are unable to produce insulin or use the insulin in the body and this can affect their blood sugar level. It is essential to monitor what you need to eat to maintain your blood sugar level. One way is to check the glycemic index (GI) score of all food. It shows how much food can increase the level of blood sugar. This index helps to plan the daily meals and avoid the combination of high-carbohydrate. Natural foods like garlic are not rich in carbohydrates and control the level of blood sugar.

What is Garlic?

Garlic is also known as Allium Sativum and it is used in cooking as flavor. Along with this, during ancient and modern history, it is used as medicine also. It is taken to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. Garlic is closely related to Onion, rakkyo, shallot, leek, chive, and scallion and it belongs to allium. For thousands of years, humans use garlic and in ancient Egypt, garlic is used for both culinary purposes and health and therapeutic benefits.

Quick facts About Garlic:

  • Garlic has important antibiotic properties
  • It contains various health benefits both raw and cooked.
  • In various countries, this natural remedy is used medicinally for centuries.

History of Garlic

For thousands of years, Garlic has been used all over the globe. When the Giza pyramids were built over 5000 years ago then garlic was used.

In the “Journal of Nutrition” written by Richard S. Rivlin, the father of western medicine mentioned that garlic is for a wide range of diseases and illnesses. Hippocrates endorsed the use of this natural remedy for the treatment of poor digestion, fatigue, parasites, respiratory problems, and more.

Garlic spread to advanced ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley from ancient Egypt. From that, it made its way to China. For the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure), bronchitis, liver disorders, dysentery, TB (tuberculosis), intestinal worms, rheumatism, diabetes, fever, colic, etc.

Garlic Uses

Presently, Garlic is used for various conditions linked to the blood system or heart that include high cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

Some people use garlic for the prevention of prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and rectal cancer.

Nutritional Value of Garlic

A single clove of 3 grams of garlic consists of:

  • Fiber: 0.06 grams
  • Vitamin C: 1% of the DV
  • Selenium: 1% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
  • Manganese: 2% of the daily value (DV)
  • Calories: 4.5
  • Protein: .2 gram
  • Carbs: 1 gram

Benefits Of Eating Garlic If You Have Diabetes Problem

Most adults consume garlic safely but some people have an issue due to its taste, odor, spiciness, and more.

Garlic helps to reduce the level of high cholesterol and blood pressure. Consumption of garlic also reduces the chances of heart disease as it is a condition that affects approximately 80% of people with diabetes problem.

As per the study of 2006, raw garlic help to reduce the blood sugar level and atherosclerosis risk.

As I mentioned above, garlic is also a great source of vitamin C and B-6. Vitamin C is involved in maintaining the blood sugar level and vitamin B-6 maintains the carbohydrate metabolism.

Benefits of Garlic

It consists compounds with potent medicinal properties

  • High nutritional value
  • Help to protect against illness like cold etc
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Enhance the cholesterol levels
  • Contain the antioxidants
  • Help to live longer
  • Performance of athletic is improved with garlic supplements
  • Enhance the bone health

Risk Of Garlic

Generally, garlic is safe to eat but maybe you experience some side effects also like:

  • Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea

It is safe to eat garlic but still consult your doctor because the doctor will tell you how much consumption of garlic is good for you as per your health condition.

How To Add Garlic In The Diet

If don’t have any issue with taste then add chopped cloves of garlic to your salads or potato salad. There is no decided dosage of garlic so eat it freely when want to add it to the recipe or snack.

Let garlic seeds sit for a minimum of 5 minutes for allowing allicin, one of the herb components as it may improve the health benefits.

What About The Supplements Of Garlic?

If you have an issue eating the garlic so try the supplements. Few things to keep in mind while buying supplements:

  • Before adding supplements consult your doctor. They help you for determining whether it is best for you or not.
  • Buy garlic supplements from a reputed manufacturer. Buy from a manufacturer that doesn’t use the process of heat as it destroys the active garlic compounds.
  • Odorless products should be avoided completely.

The Best Nutraceutical supplement to Control Diabetes in Natural Way is garlic as you can use garlic for enhancing the taste and meal quality. For getting the best results, consume the garlic in an average amount. By consuming garlic you can also maintain your health. Use fresh and raw garlic in the dishes as cooking garlic lower the potential therapeutic qualities. You can also take the supplements but before consuming garlic consult your doctor first.


Fiber Supplement (Inulin, Acacia, Psyllium Husk) : Best Nutraceutical Supplements To Control Diabetes In Natural Way

This is one of the Best Nutraceutical Supplements to Control Diabetes in Natural Way. If anyone of you having problem of diabetes then you should include high-fiber foods in the diet as it is the healthy way for controlling the blood sugar level.

What is Fiber?

Dietary fiber is also known as roughage and it is the rich part of plant foods. Fiber contains lot of health benefits that include reduce type 2 diabetes and the heart disease risk. Most of fiber is in vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. There are mainly 2 types of fiber and both plays an essential role in health. 2 types of fiber are:

Soluble: it absorbs water form and in digestive system it form gel-like substance. With the help of soluble fiber, you can reduce the cholesterol level and regulate the level of blood sugar.

Insoluble: this fiber is not dissolving in water and prevents the constipation.

Foods High In Fiber

For healthy digestion, fiber is very important and diet of high fiber link to enhance heart health. Foods that are high in fiber include:

  • Lentils
  • Black beans
  • Lima beans
  • Artichokes
  • Raspberries
  • Split peas

Nutrition and Dietetics academy recommend that women should consume 25 gm of fiber per day and men require to consume 38 gm. In various forms, fiber supplements are available that help people who are willing to increase the fiber amount in their diet.

List of Best Fiber Supplements

  • Inulin fiber supplement
  • Organic fiber supplement
  • Methylcellulose fiber supplement
  • Psyllium fiber supplement
  • Wheat dextrin fiber supplement
  • Functional food fiber supplement
  • Fiber supplement with antioxidants

How To Select The Best Fiber Supplement?

Fiber type: There are different types of fiber which you can find in the food we eat and same with fiber supplement. So select the fiber supplement type wisely.

Supplement type: In various forms, fiber supplements are sold includes gummies, caplets, whole foods and powders. When select the fiber supplement, we need to understand the factors like portability, convenience, and taste that essential.

Supplement quality: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not properly regulated the supplement industry. Therefore the fiber supplements list includes the manufacturer companies having positive reputations.

Overall cost: Budget is also important while purchasing dietary fiber supplements. Therefore all products are on reasonable rate.

Difference between Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

Soluble fiber: It absorbs the water and become the gel-like substance and slows the digestion. It helps to reduce the cholesterol. It helps to regulate the blood sugar level and lower the type 2 diabetes risk. Along with this it helps to lower the blood pressure that may lead to reduce the risk of cardiovascular.

Soluble fiber foods like:
  • Dried peas
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Beans
  • Oatmeal
  • Flaxseed
  • Barley
Insoluble Fiber:

It does not absorb the water and it gives relief from constipation. Insoluble fiber is:

  • Bulgur
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Wheat bran
  • Dark green leafy vegetables

How Much Fiber Need To Take?

Dietary fiber is called fiber that comes from whole foods. Fiber that sells in the form of supplements or adds to fortified foods is known as functional fiber. Institute of Medicine decides adequate intake for fiber includes all sources.

Doctor recommends high fiber dosage.

Adequate Intake (AI)
Children1-3 years19 g/day
 4-8 years25 g/day
Women9-18 years26 g/day
 19-50 years25 g/day
 51 years and up21 g/day
Men9-13 years31 g/day
 14-50 years38 g/day
 51 years and up30 g/day
Pregnant 28 g/day

29 g/day

Fiber Benefits

  • It helps to manage the overall habits of eating
  • Fiber containing Antioxidants that are usually good for your cells and complete health
  • It helps to control the hunger
  • Fiber fills in your body so it easy to stick to proper portions

How To Add More Fiber In The Diet

  • Have a fiber-friendly breakfast
  • Select whole grains
  • Focus on non-starchy vegetables
  • Add beans or other legumes
  • Fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds

Fiber helps to lower the cancer risk, and heart disease and also controls the level of blood sugar. When the fiber is digestible your body handles it differently in carbohydrates like white flour is digestible. Through the digestive system, the fiber portion passes. This means eating food rich in fiber is help to reduce the blood sugar level.

Grape seed Extract, Garlic and Fiber is all about this blog about Best Nutraceutical Supplements to control Diabetes in Natural Way. Hope you like it!!!

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